Learning Objectvies
By the end of this section, you will be able to:
- Describe the three stages of interphase
- Discuss the behavior of chromosomes during mitosis and how the cytoplasmic content divides during cytokinesis
- Define the quiescent G0 phase
- Explain how the three internal control checkpoints occur at the end of G1, at the G2–M transition, and during metaphase
The cell cycle is an ordered series of events involving cell growth and cell division that produces two new daughter cells. Cells on the path to cell division proceed through a series of precisely timed and carefully regulated stages of growth, DNA replication, and division that produce two genetically identical cells. The cell cycle has two major phases: interphase and the mitotic phase (Figure 6.3). During interphase, the cell grows and DNA is replicated. During the mitotic phase, the replicated DNA and cytoplasmic contents are separated and the cell divides. A link back to the SoftChalk module. Beam me back, Scotty. (https://www.softchalkcloud.com/lesson/serve/wMyJ041TkRlijr/html) .

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