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More references
Butler, Kirt. “Multinational Finance.” South-Western College Pub, 2003.
Multinational Finance provides a concise treatment of the investment and financial decisions facing the multinational corporation. The text provides a framework for evaluating the opportunities, costs and risks of multinational operations so readers can see beyond the algebra and terminology to general principles. It is distinguished by its logical organization, superior pedagogy, and clear, non-technical writing style. It includes the traditional international finance topics of foreign exchange, currency and derivatives markets, currency risk (transaction, operating and translation) management, country risk, taxation, capital structure, cost of capital, and international portfolio diversification. It also has unique chapters on multinational treasury management, options on real assets, corporate governance, asset pricing, and international portfolio management.
Moyer, Charles, McGuian, James, and Kretlow, William. “Contemporary Financial Management.” Thomsan Southwestern:10th Edition, 2006.
Focusing on shareholder wealth maximization, international aspects of financial management, ethics, and the impact of the Internet, this introductory textbook covers: determinants of value; capital investment decisions; the cost of capital, capital structure, and dividend policy; and, working capital management and financial forecasting. Topics like lease financing, financing with derivatives, international financial management, and corporate restructuring are also discussed. An enclosed CD provides access to a companion web site. The authors are scholars of management and investment consultants.
World Bank. “Doing Business: Economy Rankings.” 2007. Available at http://www.doingbusiness.org/EconomyRankings/
The Doing Business project provides objective measures of business regulations and their enforcement across 181 economies and selected cities at the subnational and regional level.
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