The growth of start-ups must be planned, and supported by one or more of the above mentioned strategies. It is a significant growth mistake to do without planning and strategic development. However, even when these mistakes are avoided, and growth strategies exist, managers tend to overlook the fact that there is a connection between the chosen strategy and the particular organizational structure of the start-up. This oversight is a serious impediment to growth.
Firms which are still small and striving to grow should choose team structures, or, if necessary, tight centralization as a structure for their organization so that they can handle knowledge management, and decision coordination and implementation better. The lack of team management and networking in the start-up and consolidation phases hinders growth, as the experience of start-ups from Silicon Valley has shown.
If growth is achieved by increasing sales volume, start-ups can defer the adjustment of the original organizational structure until decision deficits, such as delays in decision-making, begin to surface. In growing companies, maintaining the same team structures and management generally leads to a loss of coordination. It also postpones the creation of a clear corporate structure. If the distribution of responsibility in the start-up is unclear, or if the same team management has been continued despite growth, problems will arise due to a lack of coordination. Therefore, the distribution of competences and responsibility must be achieved, depending on the strategies the start-up pursues. If team structures impede this because they are too slow, they must be replaced by hierarchical structures.
Different strategies may be necessary if the company pursues diversification strategies by expanding into new markets, or bringing out new products by expanding the value chain, or into new networks. However, this requires a good knowledge of the industry or industries in which the start-up wishes to diversify. In this case, a more decentralized organizational structure with different, relatively autonomous departments is advisable. However, department decentralization makes coordination essential. Some of the classic mistakes made by young firms are either to wait too long before decentralizing, decentralizing too soon, and/or failing to coordinate the new departments. Each of these mistakes, or a combination, can have a restricting effect on the growth of a firm, and in the worst case can even increase the risk of a young firm’s going bankrupt.
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