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- Baker, Edwin L., "Managing Corporate Culture," Management Review, July 1980, 8-13.
- Boje, David M., Donald B. Fedor, and Kendrith M. Rowland, "Myth Making: A Qualitative Step in OD Interventions," The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science18, no. 1, 17-28.
- Dandridge, Thomas C, Ian Mitroff, and William F. Joyce, "Organizational Symbolism: A Topic to Expand Organizational Analysis," Academy of Management Review 5, no. 1, 1980, 77-82.
- Deal, Terrence E., and Allan A. Kennedy, Corporate Cultures: The Rites and Rituals of Corporate Life, Reading, Mass., Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1982.
- Peters, Thomas J., "Symbols, Patterns and Settings: An Optimistic Case for Getting Things Done," Organizational Dynamics, Autumn 1978, 3-22.
- —"Excellence at the Top: A Leadership Style That Works," Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly, 20, no. 3, November 1980, 13-23.
- Pettigrew, Andrew M., "On Studying Organizational Cultures," Administrative Science Quarterly 24, December 1979, 570-81.
- Sathe, Vijay, "Organizational Culture: Some Conceptual Distinctions and Their Managerial Implications," working paper, Division of Research, Harvard Business School, 1984.
- Schwartz, Howard, and Stanley M. Davis, "Matching Corporate Culture and Business Strategy," Organizational Dynamics, Summer 1981, 30-48.
- Tichy, Noel M., "Managing Change Strategically: The Technical, Political, and Cultural Keys," Organizational Dynamics 10, Autumn 1982, 59-80.
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