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Step 3: negotiating standards

8 December, 2015 - 17:53

The third step in the process involved two separate meetings to negotiate the new standards, with an agenda prepared as well for a third session if required.

Agenda, session 1

Time Action
13.00 to 13.45: Review of compiled information on performance standards and systems.
13.45 to 15.00:  Setting of individual priorities for the standards.
3:00 to 3:15:  Break
15.15 to 15.30: Agreement on the first standard to be defined.
15.00 to 17.00:  Definition of the first standard; identification of current systems support; recommendations for additional systems support.

Agenda, session 2

Time Action
8.00 to 8.15:  Review of previous standard.
8.15 to 8.30:  Determination of second standard to be defined.
8.30 to 10.00: Definition of second standard; identification of current systems support; recommendations for additional systems support.
10.00 to 10.15:  Break
10.15 to 10.30: Determination of third standard to be defined.
10.30 to 11.30: Definition of third standard; identification of current systems support; recommendations for additional systems support.
11.30 to 13.00: Lunch
13.00 to the end: Definition of remaining standards; identification of current systems support; recommendations for additional systems support.

Agenda, session 3 (if required)

The agenda for a third session was prepared, if needed, to complete the definition of standards, identification of current systems support, and recommendations for additional systems support.