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- Buchanan, Bruce B., "To Walk an Extra Mile: The Whats, Whens, and Whys of Organizational
- Commitment," Organizational Dynamics 3, no. 4, 1975, 67-80.
- Dewar, Donald L., The Quality Circle Guide to Participative Management, Englewood Clitts, N.J., Prentice- Hall Inc., 1980.
- Feinberg, Mortimer R., "Trust Is a Trade-Off," Executive Housekeeper, September 1977, 62-64.
- Lewicki, Roy J., "Organizational Seduction: Building Commitment to Organizations," Organizational Dynamics 10, no. 2, 1982, 5-21.
- Salancik, Gerald R., "Commitment Is Too Easy, Organizational Dynamics 6, no. 1, 1977. 62-80.
- Scholl, Richard W., "Differentiating Organizational Commitment from Expectancy as a Motivating Force," Academy of Management Review 6, no. 4, 1981, 589-99.
- Sheldon, Mary E., "Investments and Involvements as Mechanisms Producing Commitment to the Organization," Administrative Science Quarterly 16, 1971, 143-50.
- Steers, R. M., "Antecedents and Outcomes of Organizational Commitment," Administrative Science Quarterly 22, no. 1, 1977, 46-56.
- Stevens, John M., Beyer, Daniel M., and Trice, Harrison M., "Assessing Personal, Role, and Organizational Predictors of Managerial Commitment," Academy of Management Journal 21, no. 3, 1978, 380-96.
- University Associates, Inc., "Developing Trust: A Leadership Skill," San Diego, 1981.
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