Completed surveys are mailed to an independent data-processing firm for tabulation and analysis. After the data has been analyzed, the survey forms will be destroyed. By using a data processor outside the company, survey participants will feel more comfortable in filling out the forms.
Based on the employee responses, managers are given a feedback package by work group. Responses are grouped in combinations of five or more so that managers are unable to identify individual answers. If fewer than five people are supervised, responses are combined with those from a related area. Examples might be:
- primary contact employees: guest service, banquets and catering, front office, restaurant and lounge;
- secondary contact employees: housekeeping, kitchen, accounting, personnel.
Department heads will receive a climate profile illustrating the relative climate perceived by their employees, compared to the property's overall climate. They also will be able to compare their employees' perceptions of what exists with their own perceptions of what should exist. In this way, problems within each individual department are highlighted against the backdrop of how one department is perceived compared to the property as a whole.
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