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- Field, R H George, and Michael A Abelson, "Climate: A Reconceptualization and Proposed Model," Human Relations 35, no. 3, 1982, 181-201.
- The Forum Corporation, The Manager and Motivation, unpublished monograph, 1977.
- ——The Language of Organizational Climate, unpublished monograph, 1979.
- Friedlander, Frank, and Newton Margulies, "Multiple Impacts of Organizational Climate and Individual Value Systems upon Job Satisfaction," Personnel Psychology 22, 1969, 171 — 83.
- Garin, Robert H, and John F Cooper, "The Morale-Productivity Relationship: How Close?" Personnel January-February, 1981, 57-62.
- Hellriegel, Don, and John W Slocum, Jr, "Organizational Climate: Measures, Research and Contingencies," Academy of Management Journal 17, no. 2, 1974, 255-80.
- Holiday Inns Inc, Organizational Climate Survey, Memphis, TN, 1984.
- Joyce, William F, and John W Slocum, Jr, "Climates in Organizations," in Organizational Behavior, S Kerr (ed.), Columbus, OH, Grid Publishing, 1979, 317-33.
- Payne, R L, and D C Pheysey, "G. G. Steam's Organizational Climate Index: A Re-conceptualization and Application to Business Organizations," Organizational Behavior and Human Performance 6, 1971, 77-98.
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