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Problem 2.20

10 November, 2015 - 10:33

In free fall, the acceleration will not be exactly constant, due to air resistance. For example, a skydiver does not speed up indefinitely until opening her chute, but rather approaches a certain maximum velocity at which the upward force of air resistance cancels out the force of gravity. The expression for the distance dropped by of a free-falling object, with air resistance, is 1 d=A \textrm{ In}\left [ \textrm{cosh}\left ( \sqrt[t]{\frac{g}{A}} \right ) \right ]where g is the acceleration the object would have without air resistance, the function cosh has been defined in Problem 2.17, and A is a constant that depends on the size, shape, and mass of the object, and the density of the air. (For a sphere of mass m and diameter d dropping in air, A=4.11m/d^2. Cf. Problem 2.10)

  1. (a) Differentiate this expression to find the velocity. Hint: In order to simplify the writing, start by defining some other symbol to stand for the constant \sqrt{g/A}.
  2. (b) Show that your answer can be reexpressed in terms of the function tanh defined by tanh x=(e^x-e^{-x})/(e^x+e^{-x}).
  3. (c) Show that your result for the velocity approaches a constant for large values of t.
  4. (d) Check that your answers to parts b and c have units of velocity. 

Solutions for chapter 2