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Problem 2.37

20 January, 2016 - 10:05
Figure 2.14
A set of light rays is emitted from the tip of the glamorous movie star’s nose on the film, and reunited to form a spot on the screen which is the image of the same point on his nose. The distances have been distorted for clarity. The distance y represents the entire length of the theater from front to back.
In a movie theater, the image on the screen is formed by a lens in the projector, and originates from one of the frames on the strip of celluloid film (or, in the newer digital projection systems, from a liquid crystal chip). Let the distance from the film to the lens be x, and let the distance from the lens to the screen be y. The projectionist needs to adjust x so that it is properly matched with y, or else the image will be out of focus. There is therefore a fixed relationship between x and y, and this relationship is of the form
where f is a property of the lens, called its focal length. A stronger lens has a shorter focal length. Since the theater is large, and the projector is relatively small, x is much less than y. We can see from the equation that if y is sufficiently large, the left-hand side of the equation is dominated by the 1/x term, and we have x\approx f. Since the 1/y term doesn't completely vanish, we must have x slightly greater than f, so that the 1/x term is slightly less than 1/f. Let x=f+dx, and approximate dx as being infinitesimally small. Find a simple expression for y in terms of f and dx

Solutions for chapter 2