If you decide to accept your summer offer, your next steps will be to ensure that you complete all of your new hire paper work and that you have all the details necessary to begin working full time. In addition, you should continue to learn more about the company, the industry, the function, and the department in which you will work. Focus on increasing your network. Find other classmates at your school who might be involved in the same function and department as yours, and perhaps some who are joining the same industry. Join a LinkedIn Group that focuses on your industry and your function and start a discussion.
Conduct a Google Alert on your job, your industry, and your company so you are more knowledgeable about them.
Ask about entry-level training if it is offered. If it is, perhaps you can prepare ahead of time for what you will be taught. Some companies not only administer entry-level training but also grade your performance and then share your grades with your manager. You will make the best impression possible if you are ranked at the very top of your class after training.
If you choose not to accept this offer, quickly launch into a search for a full-time job. Your summer internship should have let you know exactly what you liked and did not like about the company you worked with. Use that information to move your job search forward and find the company and industry you are most interested in.
It is rare that a student will decline an offer if they don’t have another, but that does happen. If that is the case, Table 1.3 "On-Campus Recruiting Calendar: Seniors and Advanced Degree Students" outlines the recruiting calendar for seniors and advanced-degree students in this position. Also make sure to consult career services or a trusted advisor, taking into account all potential next steps.
School Calendar |
On-Campus Recruiting for Full-Time Opportunities: Seniors Only |
Aug. |
School begins |
Seniors receive or do not receive a full-time offer from summer employers |
Sept. |
Semester in full swing |
Seniors without offers participate in full-time marketing events |
Oct. |
Midterms |
Seniors without offers participate in full-time interviewing |
Nov. |
Preparation for end of semester; finals next month |
Seniors must accept or decline full-time offers |
Dec. |
Semester ends; winter break begins |
Jan. |
Winter break, classes begin mid- to late Jan. |
Interviewing for full-time positions begins |
Feb. |
Semester in full swing |
Interviewing for full-time positions are in full swing |
Mar. |
Midterms |
Some interviewing takes place |
Apr. |
Semester winding down; finals next month |
New hire paper work sent to future employees |
May. |
Classes end; some internships begin |
New hire paper work due |
Jun. |
Summer internships begin and are soon in full swing |
Jul. |
Summer internships in full swing, ending early Aug. |
Full-time job begins |
Note: Calendar includes general time frames. Consult with your career services office and employersregarding specific dates/months. |
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