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Use the Q&A function or specific group discussions on LinkedIn to collect data on salary, lifestyle, growth prospects, and other useful information for your own offer negotiation. Many geographies and industries are represented on online social networks, so you can specify exactly what you are looking for and likely find a close proxy.
- Social networking sites like Facebook and LinkedIn are valuable networking tools.
- Radical transparency means that people can see anything you place in cyberspace. Transparency can present challenges if you have information or material that is unprofessional.
- Cleaning up your digital dirt is important when you are conducting a job search and building your career.
- Social networking sites are great networking tools, but they have many other uses as well. You can research different positions when trying to decide which would be best for you, you can get a sense for what companies are truly like directly from their employees, and you can find out salary information via the various online groups.
- If you don’t have an account on LinkedIn, create one. Use the instructions in Chapter 5, Section 5.2 of this textbook.
- If you have an account on LinkedIn, but it’s not 100 percent complete, ensure that it is by adding a professional photo, getting recommendations from a variety of individuals, and joining groups.
- Google yourself to clean up any digital dirt that exists in cyberspace.
- Use LinkedIn to conduct research on a company or an industry.
- Join various groups, such as alumni associations at your school, or industry groups of interest.
Find out salary information about positions of interest.
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