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When you are at a more senior level, interviews might take place with someone in a different city, state, or even overseas. In such a case, a videoconference or Skypeinterview may be used. You will be seated in front of a computer with a camera and your interview will be live via that camera.
Strategies to succeed during a videoconference interview include the following:
- When answering questions, look into the camera instead of looking at the person on the screen. If you look at the camera, your eyes will meet the eyes of the person on the other end of the computer, making for a better connection. If you look at the person on the computer monitor when answering the question, you will appear to be looking down. It’s tempting to look at the person’s face versus the camera because you want to read their impression, but try to avoid this.
- Practice this technique by speaking to a friend via Skype. It’s the exact same medium as a teleconferenced interview, and will give you the much-needed practice.
- Posture is very important, as it is with all interviews, but especially in a videoconference because the interviewer will see you from the shoulders up.
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