Our text includes the following supplemental materials to assist the student and the instructor:
- The Instructor’s Resource Manual includes chapter overview, outline, and teaching suggestions.
- The Test Bank will include a variety of types of questions including true/false, multiple-choice, short answer, and problems. An electronic test bank, ExamView, is also available so that instructors can easily customize their tests.
- A Solutions Manual providing all answers to in-text problems is available to instructors.
- PowerPoint slides cover all major concepts and key terms and are presented in an appealing way designed to hold students’ interest.
- We also invite you to visit the Web site for this text at http://gelinas.swlearning.com. Here you will find additional materials as well as the Instructor’s Resource Manual, the Solutions Manual, and the PowerPoint slides.
We trust that you will find the teaching package both flexible and enjoyable to use. We earnestly solicit your feedback on both the text and the ancillaries and appreciate knowing your criticisms and suggestions for improving the materials. In turn, we stand ready to respond to any questions or problems you may encounter. Please feel free to contact us through Thomson Learning/South-Western, directly through our academic institutions, or through our respective e-mail addresses: ugelinas@bentley.edu, steve.sutton@business.uconn.edu, and jfedorowicz@bentley.edu. We wish you success. Enjoy!
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