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1 December, 2015 - 17:00

Shortly after the European coordinating committee (ECC) began to function, country coordinating committees (CCCs) were established in most of the European nations in which Eaton had major interests. The CCCs are similar to the ECC in purpose (coordination of and communication among diverse activities) but are more narrowly focused on a specific country basis. The membership includes the head of each product group in the country, senior staff managers and the relevant international coordinator. The chairmanship rotates among the operating executives ....

Unlike the ECC, the CCCs are flourishing. Country executives think they are helpful. In fact, one European manager told BI, "If ours were disbanded, we would still meet informally." Meetings are held bimonthly and are well attended, although no attendance requirements have been imposed by corporate management. The minutes are circulated in Europe and Cleveland.

The following is a typical CCC agenda:

  1. a report on the country's economic conditions;
  2. a division-by-division and a countrywide Eaton cash flow report (this provides each manager with an idea of Eaton'S present country cash position, which in turn helps them to understand corporate allocations and local bank borrowing);
  3. the treasurer's report on the overall financial status of Eaton's country operations; ...
  4. a discussion (led by a communications executive) of specific items such as a new Eaton movie, the issuance of a worldwide personnel directory, who should receive the in-house management magazine and the extent to which a new acquisition is to be publicly identified with Eaton over the next few years;
  5. a purchasing report; and
  6. the business report of each of the product groups ....