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7 December, 2015 - 11:04

(1) Define the term "international business."
(2) What motivates people to trade goods and services across nationalboundaries?
(3) Money movements across national boundaries can take three forms.What are they and how do they differ fr om one another?
(4) What does the term "internationalization process" mean?
(5) What are the two main reasons that compel a company to go international?
(6) Briefly describe the systems approach as it relates to international management.
(7) What is strategic management?
(8) Write a short essay explaining the "three Ps" of the strategic management process.
(9) Describe the strategy-setting process depicted in Figure 2.6, using the United States as the nation-state and a large Japanese company as the MNC.
(10) Assess your own ability to make each of the twelve decisions of the international manager listed in Table 2.2. Assign a 10 for a Yes answer and a 0 for a No answer. Then write a short essay on what you must learn to improve your management skills. Use this opportunity to set some personal goals in areas where you need improvement.