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3 November, 2015 - 12:33

Language is the means of communication. In some countries, more than one language is spoken. In India, for example, over fifteen languages are recognized.

English is the language most widely used in international business dealings. It is estimated that more than 400 million people use English as their primary and official language, and some 700 million use English as a second language; one half of the world's newspapers are printed in English. For this reason most North Americans have developed the attitude that they can speak any language as long as it is English. When asked whether he had any language problem during his year in Egypt, a friend once responded, "I had no problem. They did."

For the manager who will work in another country, however, some knowledge of the languages spoken is an invaluable asset. The manager who has to live with the people in a foreign country must be concerned with their language for the simple reason that he or she must decide on the language of the everyday directives, training manuals, report systems, and all forms of spoken and written exchange.