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1 December, 2015 - 16:04

(1) What is the exchange rate?
(2) What are the sources of demand for foreign currency?
(3) What are the main determinants of exchange rates in the short, medium, and long run?
(4) What is the International Monetary System? Give a brief account of its historical development.
(5) How was the dollar value of gold determined under the gold standard system?
(6) Explain the terms "free float" and "managed float."
(7) What were the major flaws of the Bretton Woods system?
(8) What is an "optimal bankrupt"?
(9) What was the Baker Plan? If you were an executive in a bank that had a large stake in the international debts of the nations covered by the Baker Plan, would you try to influence your congressperson to vote for it? Should the issue even be the subject of congressional debate?
(10) What are two current schools of thought on devising a new monetary order?